Monday, May 3, 2010

Visual Dynamics Project

1. One thing I like about my picture is the repetition of shapes. This is an aesthetic
concern. Another thing I like about my picture are the colors. This is an aesthetic concern.
Another thing I like about my picture is the use of opacity with layers. This is a technical
2. I would give myself an A because I completed the three goals of the images. I used lines,
repetition, selection tools, gradients, opacity, and layers to add depth and texture.
3. My biggest struggle with this project was to make my right to left image look complete. The
background was white and at first it looked dull and flat.
4. One area I could make improvements is the tops of the automobile where I could have gone
from lighter to darker.
5. I learned that adding more repeated images increased speed. I learned that the eye moves
from a low to high contrast. I also learned that the eye from from the dark to the light.
6.I learned how to adjust image sizes and select layers. I learned how to rotate images and add gradients. I learned that changing layer order can make the picture look better. I learned
how to use the curves and desaturation tools.
7. I use lines pointed down moving towards the center to show direction. I use bright colors
and used color contrast going from bright to dull colors.
8. I started with big bold darker, yet bright colors at the right and moved to lighter and brighter
colors moving left. I had the central lines moving towards the center of the left side to show
direction. I had multiple lines horizontally to increase speed.
9. I used dull colors to have the eye move slowly. I went from lower to higher contrast. I used
opacity to make the colors more dull. I used lines pointing towards the upper center to
draw the eye up.

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